
If you keep a betta fish in a simple bowl with no decorations, will it die? - Quora

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If you keep a betta fish in a simple bowl with no decorations, will it die?  - Quora
What happens if my male betta makes bubble nests but flares at the

What happens if my male betta makes bubble nests but flares at the

Why did my female betta fish start changing its color to red on

Why did my female betta fish start changing its color to red on

What are some easy to maintain fishes? - Quora

What are some easy to maintain fishes? - Quora

Is it okay to put dead corals on my betta fish? - Quora

Is it okay to put dead corals on my betta fish? - Quora

Can a betta fish live for 4 days without food? - Quora

Can a betta fish live for 4 days without food? - Quora

Will my betta fish survive without a filter for about 5 hours? The

Will my betta fish survive without a filter for about 5 hours? The

Can I put a beta fish in my goldfish bowl? - Quora

Can I put a beta fish in my goldfish bowl? - Quora

Why did my beta fish stay not moving on the bottom of the tank for

Why did my beta fish stay not moving on the bottom of the tank for

How to care for baby Betta fish - Quora

How to care for baby Betta fish - Quora

If two betta fishes are looking at each other but are not in the

If two betta fishes are looking at each other but are not in the

Should I keep cleaning my betta's tank when he is making bubble

Should I keep cleaning my betta's tank when he is making bubble

Can I plant a money plant in aquariums of gold fish with no filter

Can I plant a money plant in aquariums of gold fish with no filter