Life in SG

How to Find a Job in Singapore

Offering multifaceted opportunities for exploration, be it shopping, international trading, tourism, or education, Singapore stands out on even if it's just a tiny dot in the world map. As well, it is a great j... Read More...

First of the Last

I stare out the morning window, the outline of my head stares back at me, wispy hair out of place, wild. The sun isn’t up yet, only the faintest, faded line of pink lingers over the trees out back. This slo... Read More...

My Favorite Hello and Hardest Goodbye

I took the day off from work last Thursday, very excited. I slept almost all afternoon to prepare myself else I'd be so sleepy past midnight. Her plane was set to land at 11:55PM. I left home four hours earlier... Read More...
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Even the longest day is only 24 hours.

“Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 For the days when you are so inspired that you see sparks, when tears come just because ... Read More...

2012 for the Year of the Snake

Lunar years of the Snake are 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 and 2013. I'm not a grave believer of astrology, feng shui, horoscopes or anything of related sort; I just find their accounts marve... Read More...