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All My Sugar

The week was so stressful that I have been taking up sweets--drinks, biscuits, cookies and desserts to ease out stress. Of course, I have been exercising (more) to compensate this. My clients? Only the main sou... Read More...
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My Inner Monologue

Nervous. Happy. Excited. I am all of those things. All at once. So much so that I can’t keep a steady hand and I poke my wand into my eye. My mascara wand, that is. In three hours, we'll be seeing each other after four months. But it takes me more than three ... Read More...
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To My Most-awaited Weekend

Dear Weekend, You are due to arrive tomorrow, but I wanted to take a moment to let you know just how much I am looking forward to you being here. So much so that thoughts of you have had me a little too distra... Read More...
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Psychobabble—Story of My Life

Another page has turned on the calendar, June now, not May. Mental stress? It's an unwelcome visitor but in this busy corporate world, we can't help to have it come by. Now I’m walking down the line that divide... Read More...
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Exercise is My Friend

My life in Singapore so far can be dichotomized neatly into work and sleep. During weekdays, I spend more than half the day barely staying afloat in a spinning maelstrom of knowledge, and the remaining half recuperating from the ensuing physical and mental exh... Read More...
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Another End-of-the-World Hocus Pocus

Is the world going to be over today (May 21, 2011)? Don't dream it's over. Or: Don't dream. It's over. My vote? The latter. Well, it's almost 10PM now, and the world did not end. Here are some funny pictures o... Read More...
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Fear of the Fearless

Does the title even make sense? Fear of the Fearless? I just thought it might be interesting to look at it literally. Moving on, this post talks about my only fear, which might be also interesting for those wh... Read More...