
Revel In a Money-free Christmas!

Oh wow. This blog is turning one year old in three days. And it's the Christmas season once again lurking around the corner, waiting to pounch on all of us. Every day as I go home on a bus, I see festive light... Read More...

Found My Soulmate. Who’s Yours?

 Because Valentines' day is just around the corner... On January 1, 2011, New Year's day, Louie and I watched Good Will Hunting (1997), a movie about "a janitor at MIT, who has a gift for mathematics but needs... Read More...

What Does it Mean to Be Chinese?

Before anything, I'd like to greet everyone a happy Chinese New Year! 恭喜發財!萬事如意。年年有餘。新年快樂!:-) And yes, I'm Chinese (naturalized Chinese-Filipino), not Korean, Japanese, Thai, Taiwanese or whatever you think ... Read More...