Notice the small pop-up window that shows up at the lower left after a few seconds of staying in any of my blog’s page? Well, that’s Qeryz. It’s an as-you-go microsurvey that helps bridge the thoughts and opinions of website’s visitors to the site owner.

I have been using Qeryz (free version), as recommended by Sean Si, and enjoying reading responses of different readers since last month. For all it’s worth, let me share what I think of this plugin through this review of the Qeryz WordPress Microsurvey Tool. πŸ™‚

Review of Qeryz Microsurvey Tool (Know Your Traffic)

Survey Creation: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

Creating surveys in Qeryz is easy and users don’t need to attend some formal training or read a user’s manual to complete one. To create a new survey, users just have to follow the tabs at the top of the page: Create/Edit, Target, Design and Install. I finished creating the survey in about five minutes and I bet you can do it quickly, too. πŸ˜‰

Create/Edit: Users are given the option to choose from popular templates and then name the survey. Qeryz allows customization on the question and answer selection type (with order randomization).

Targeting is also functional. The referral condition options allow the site owner to narrow down the data’s purity based on where the viewers came from. In my case, I just chose “came from anywhere on the web.” That way, anyone who lands on my blog through search engine, other referral sites, or direct visits will see the Qeryz microsurvey.

Other components of Targeting that I appreciated are: the frequency the survey should be displayed, survey scheduling or activation period, and email notifications.

In terms of design, the colors of the Qeryz survey window can be redefined according to your preference on what will best complement the layout and design of your site. I didn’t bother to alter the default black and dark gray combination. I like that it looks good and simpleβ€”always edgy and never passΓ©.

For the position, I chose “Left” since I already have upPrev, a flyout box that shows the related posts from the same article category, which is positioned on the right.

The last step is Installation. Once you’ve successfully copied and pasted the code to your blog, you can sit back, relax, and see answers of visitors in the coming days.

Survey Analysis: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

Qeryz is a great survey tool with analytical and statistical tools. It features simple info for analysis, such as percentages of subscription status (days consumed) and conversions (responses vs. the total number of views) on the dashboard, so you can see them immediately as you log in every time.

Out of over 45,000 readers who saw the Qeryz surveyΒ in my blog in a month, I only got 235 responses. πŸ˜† But hey, I’m not complaining! I’m even grateful because I wasn’t at all expecting to receive such good answers in my first attempt to show a microsurvey in a non-forceful manner. πŸ˜› From this overview, the survey result seemed to indicate that the majority liked reading my food reviews the most, followed by beauty posts, travel posts, and personal experiences.

Wrap Up

If you are looking for some simple feedback from your visitors, want to know your traffic, and you’re pretty tech savvy, I recommend giving Qeryz WordPress Microsurvey a crack. With Qeryz, creating surveys and analyzing the data do not have to be complicated. This tool is powerful enough to produce relevant and reliable results, but of course that depends on the respondents as well. As the saying goes, “garbage in, garbage out.”

Check out the pricing and details below. Note that you can try out the plans for free in 15 days and get your money back if not satisfied. Interested? You can subscribe here now or read here for more information.

When your blog is equipped with the Qeryz tool, you don’t have to do guesswork in getting answers from your readers. Any of those packages will make your life easier in collecting and analyzing data.


Health and technology freak. Food and lifestyle blogger with a large appetite for food and travel.

104 Responses

  1. Aldous Calubad (@team_aldous)

    It’s always great to know some feedback on your blog and Qeryz gives you just that. I would love to try this one. =)

    • Sean

      Hi Aldous!
      Sean here from Qeryz – I’d love to know what you think of Qeryz when you try it out on your site. If you need any help, you could reach out to me at

  2. Alysia from My Domestic Dish

    This is such a fantastic tool! I am actually going to install this next month (I want to finish branding/organizing after switching to WP just a couple of weeks ago) as a direct result of this review.
    Thank you!!

    • Sean

      Hi Alysia!
      Sean here from Qeryz. Love the enthusiasm! Let me know how I can help you with setting up Qeryz on your site next month – the sooner, the more responses you’ll gather πŸ™‚

  3. Kiwi

    I never thought to use a plug-in like this! I love the survey options and it looks easy to utilize.I think I will download the free version to see how I like it for myself thanks for the review!

    • Sean

      Hi Kiwi!
      Sean here from Qeryz – You’ll love it more once you get your hands dirt and sign up. It’s so easy to get started! The best thing is, it’s free – forever πŸ™‚

  4. Mary O'Malley

    I really enjoyed taking the little survey at the bottom of your page. I thought that was really neat how it popped up but it wasn’t really in the way. I also really like that it looks like an easy tool to install and use. Thank you for this information.

    • Sean

      Hi Mary!
      Sean here from Qeryz – I’m thrilled for you to sign up. As with Roch, it takes 5 minutes or less to get your first survey up and running the way you like it. It’s super easy to install πŸ™‚ if you need help, I’m an email away at

  5. Samantha Angell

    This sounds like a great survey tool! I wonder if you would get more responses if the question automatically popped up though, instead of the user having to hit the + button? As a user, I like that it is totally non-invasive- I strongly dislike when I visit blogs and immediately have to close out of something or take a survey. As a blogger, I think you might get more responses. Either way, it is nice that it is in the corner and you can ignore it (or answer!) if you want.

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      I think you have answered one of the questions before. That’s why the window is already minimized in your view. πŸ™‚ The way it works is that you can opt to also have Qeryz automatically pop out every time for users regardless on whether they have responded to it previously or now.

  6. Ashley

    I’ve never heard of this tool. I definitely think, after looking at your tutorial, that it is something that may be helpful on my own website. I am relatively new to the blogging world, so tutorials like this are super helpful! Thanks so much.

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Qeryz is quite new to the online scene but definitely it’s receiving lots of raves now. You’re welcome! If you have any question about it, let me know. πŸ™‚

  7. Erica

    If I ever needed to have a questioner this would be the place to go. I do not have many or need many on my blog but I do love this idea and how simple it looks to use. I will have to look more into it and maybe even find a reason to give it a try. Thanks for sharing with us.

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      You’re welcome, Erica. πŸ™‚ With Qeryz, you won’t be disappointed. Even with the free version, there are already lots of insights you can get from your readers’ responses.

  8. Krystal

    Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this! Any tool that helps me keep track of my traffic and what’s related to it is invaluable.

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      You’re welcome, Krystal! I figured that an in-page survey tool like Qeryz will really help you better understand your visitors as they answer questions in real time. πŸ˜€

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      I think this one will be good for you. By using free or low cost online survey tools such as Qeryz, you can collect useful customer data without hiring a professional market research firm.

  9. Sumi Go | The Purple Doll

    I’d love to try Qeryz, although I’m not sure if it has a version for Blogger. Will definitely be checking out Qeryz though, and wishing it can be integrated to other blogging platforms as well. Just love how neat it is. Design’s slick and doesn’t interfere with the whole blog layout. The customization seems great too!

    • Sean

      Hi Sumi!
      Sean here from Qeryz.
      You could make it work for blogger – all you need to do is copy-paste the tracking code on the header or the footer of your site. πŸ™‚ unfortunately, there’s no ‘blogger plugin’ yet but the manual installation of Qeryz is one of the best ways to go anyway.

  10. Natalie

    This looks like a great tool for WordPress users to help them maximize their reach and to better understand their audience. I have a Blogger blog, so I’d be interested to see if there’s a Qeryz add on for it!

  11. Jeanine

    I’ve never heard of this before! But it sounds like a simple, easy and great way to get visitor feedback and I like that!

  12. Suzanne Rudge

    As a blogger I can appreciate the need for this sort of tool. It is great to get that kind of insight from the readers who use it. From a reader’s perspective though I tend to ignore these things. I find they don’t encourage me to keep reading if they are in the way of the post I came to see. Just my two cents..

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      As a reader, it depends on whether I would want to answer or not. Sometimes it’s just the mood that sways. πŸ˜› Anyway, when the questions seem easy to answer, then I’ll go ahead and share some feedback for the site owner’s appreciation.

  13. Cia from Cia Says

    This is awesome. I had never heard of this before today. I actually think that my readers would be more responsive to this than my facebook and twitter questions. I really appreciate the screenshots versus just telling us how it worked for you. I am more of a visual learner.

  14. Nancy

    It’s key for bloggers to know where their traffic comes from, and where it’s lacking especially. Great way to help us grow our blogs!!

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Yeah. Bloggers who want to analyze traffic will probably need to have more tools than Google Analytics or those sort of stuff. Asking the readers directly will surely make a difference. Engagement is important.

  15. tammileetips

    I have never heard of Qeryz before today. I am always analyzing the blog traffic to see what is working and not working for the site. I try to do this at least once a month.

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Wow, you’re one of the few bloggers I know who do that. πŸ™‚ If you have made a commitment to do more research so that you can make better decisions with probably the content and topics you will be sharing in your blog, then Qeryz is a terrific tool that you can use.

  16. Nina Say

    I love data tools, I can look at numbers all day long. I might have to try this out…I’ll probably become addicted though.

  17. Lauren

    I think this service sounds awesome! I don’t use wordpress, but If I did I would totally use this! thanks for sharing!

  18. Michelle Hwee

    Wow what a great service this is! I can’t believe that I had never heard of it before. Your tutorial and photos really help out the newbies (aka me). This looks great for engaging and really interacting your followers! Thanks for sharing!

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      You’re welcome, Michelle! πŸ™‚ The most obvious benefit you’ll get from using Qeryz is instant answers from your readers. Think of this like a dynamic Q&A being built for your site.

  19. Sharon Sree

    I’m not a fan of pop-up’s but this one immediately caught my eye as it was for a survey. I thought it was a great extra to have on my blog site for the time’s i may need some extra info for research or just to engage my readers. Thanks for the step by step tutorial, am going to have to bookmark your post!!

  20. Nicole

    Thanks for sharing this! I’ve been looking for a way to track my traffic and give me a better idea of my views and such on my blogs. This looks perfect.

  21. Elizabeth O.

    Hhmm this sounds interesting! Maybe I’ll install this for my blog next month. Let’s see…

  22. Katrina Centeno

    Nice tutorial. I will still try to figure out what type of survey I want to ask my readers before implemented this tool. Thanks for the step-by=step guide.

  23. Tiffany Yong W.T. (tiffanyyongwt)

    Thanks for the review. I was interested to try out initially, but the monthly fee is a deterrence. Like what you said, you received 235 responses in a month, which means you need pay $9 monthly, anything more will be $15 monthly which will result in annual fee of $174. Not really feasible if we are just having a blog and not really earning a lot from it.

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      I’m using the free version. You can apply and move to the advanced premium versions if you like to see more features and create more surveys in the future.

  24. Kori

    I think it’s great to add another interactive option to your blog. I’ll definitely consider this plugin when I do my next blog update.

  25. Fi NΓ­ NeachtΓ‘in

    This sounds like a great plug-in. I always love to know where my blog traffic comes from and I think this could give a really good insight. I don’t think plug-ins like this work on Blogger blogs though, such a shame.

  26. Cherri Megasko

    This is really interesting. I’m new to blogging and haven’t heard of it before. I’m wondering … do you get a good response from readers? I can think of quite a few ways that this could be used to help me plan the future direction of my site.

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Hi Cherri. So far, my answer is yes, I’m getting good responses from readers. I’m receiving the names of restaurants they want me to try and also travel destinations to feature. With those, I now feel more inspired to share my experiences with you guys. πŸ™‚

  27. Notorious Spinks

    This is an awesome tool. We always talk about getting to know your audience and most importantly, what they want. Well this is def a way to get to do both. I’m glad that it worked for you and more than 200 responses is great. I’ll be sure to check it out. Thanks for the heads up.

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Thanks as well for the positive comment! πŸ™‚ Some other online survey tools offer more sophisticated features, but Qeryz -free/basic version is already good enough for me. I just like that it’s very handy when you’re planning for simple questions.

  28. Skinny B

    I will put this on my blog too. I hope this works.. because some of the widgets I have seen online don’t work on my blog

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Yeah, you can copy and paste the codes that will result in the last step (Note: Installation). I think I’ve set this up in a way that it will only appear as a maximized window for those who have not answered the microsurvey. Otherwise, it will be minimized so as not to obstruct the reader’s view.

  29. mindy

    I’ve been noticing those microsurveys bloggers have on their websites and been wondering on where to get the system, your post has cast a light on one of the possible services for it :). It is very interesting to get to know what your audience think because they don’t always leave comments and taking the microsurvey’s easier and faster than typing comments so i think some people would prefer to do so!

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Yeah, I am aware that not many people prefer leaving comments because they are required to leave and type some more info like their names, email addresses, and/or website URL, while some require logging in to a particular commenting plugin like DisQus or Facebook.

      With Qeryz Microsurvey Tool, the respondent would just have to either tick the checkboxes or radio buttons and leave a short message. πŸ™‚

  30. Franc Ramon

    I think 235 out of 45,000 is a good turn out since most of the people go straight to the contents. This does make doing surveys easier.

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Yup, I like that it’s so simple now to delivery a survey and collect results through a central system that even sends out email notifications to my inbox. I don’t have to login to Qeryz every time there’s a new response to read it.

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Thanks, Ann! I think the bottom line here is that Qeryz can be a big help for bloggers like us to understand what our audience think and receive suggested ideas from them–without breaking the bank. πŸ˜‰

  31. Tamika

    This is a very cool. I love knowing my audience as well. It helps me write better content and keep them coming back for more.

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Same goes for me. Aside from receiving comments on every post, I really appreciate hearing from my readers. Qeryz is another channel where they can connect to me directly without even have to leave their names, email addresses, etc. A few simple clicks and they’re done! πŸ™‚

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Hi Nanda! I hope you’ll also find no problems in installing Qeryz on your site. If you have some change to spare, I recommend you use on its paid subscription plans, which don’t require a long term contract obligation and have many more features at a reasonable price.

  32. Marie

    now, that’s wonderful! Me and my employer is using a different tool to monitor our traffic. But this one and what we are using are both doing the same job. πŸ™‚

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      I see. There are a lot of survey tools available in the market. We just have to find out which one best works for us. Glad you found yours. Anyway, this is just good “FYI” resource/review on Qeryz. πŸ™‚

  33. Eliz Frank

    This is a good reminder to explore using other features that WordPress offers us. I haven’t created a survey in a long while, and it might be time to do so. This sounds pretty good.

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Yeah, I haven’t explored a lot of WordPress features either. I will have to spend days to learn what tools to use and get into checking out the details. At the end of it all, only a few will meet the needs of what you’re working on and your budget. Try Qeryz! πŸ™‚

  34. mr_jeng

    ROCH!!! nose bleed! I don’t get it.. Wait.. I am using blogspot nga pala hindi wordpress LOL! but seriously nose bleed
    hahahaha πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ See you soon dear πŸ˜€

  35. Lynndee

    That is interesting. I would like to have it on my blog. Unfortunately, my blog is on blogger. I do wonder if they have something like that for blogger too.

  36. Vanessa Ally

    it seems that Qeryz is a great survey tool indeed, I love that it comes with analytical and statistical tools. Must try it, I will have a look at their site, thanks for this review!

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      Yup, have a look and come try it out. It’s fast and easy to install. The best part especially for beginners is that it does not require any coding or programming. πŸ™‚

    • Rochkirstin Santos

      I’m using Google Analytics, too, but I think it can only do as far as analyzing web traffic based on the visits and page views, bounce rate, demographics of audience, and the like. It’s different from a survey tool that gets actual inputs from readers.

  37. Louise

    This is a great tool to include in sites especially blog sites to actually know what our readers are really after. I’ll give this a try hopefully when I get the chance/time to do so. As of the moment, I’m very busy but I’ll find time to try. I’m really curious to know what kind of niche would work for me and I believe that through this tool, it would help me know the answers to that. πŸ™‚

  38. Khushboo

    Sounds like the tool that I need! I’ve been trying to get real time data of my traffic for a long time.


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